Учитесь у профессионалов - и наградой Вам будет успех!Мы научим любого!Удобный график и режим занятий!

We can teach anyone!

  • Do you want to overcome the language barrier and speak a foreign language fluently?
  • Do you want to be sought after on the labour market, despite the crisis?
  • Are you going to work or study abroad?
  • Do you like travelling?
  • Do you have to prepare for the Unified National Examination or an international examination like TOEFL, IELTS, etc.?
  • Are you planning to emigrate?
  • Are you expecting negotiations with foreign business partners?

We are waiting for you at our centre!

Our addresses and telephone numbers

The Central Office FLC "REWARD":

32 Kommunisticheskaya str., Volgograd (next to the Planetarium).

Tel.: 98-09-98

The central branch:

20 Mira str., Volgograd.

Tel.: 25-22-25, 98-09-98

Our branches in Volgograd and Volzhsky:

- in Krasnoarmeisky district tel.: 98-62-20
tel.: 67-05-85
- in Traktorozavodsky district tel.: 98-65-50
tel.: 26-00-06
- in Dzerzhinsky district tel.: 98-69-90
tel.: 54-79-08
- in Voroshilovskiy district tel.: 56-44-55
tel.: 98-05-99
- in Sovetskiy district tel.: 98-25-55
tel.: 98-09-38
- at "Spartanovka" tel.: 98-60-12
- in Volzhsky tel.: 21-00-21
tel.: 21-00-31

English courses for pre-school children

English for young and very young learners


We will teach anyone to speak English
easily and fluently!

Обучение детейWe offer an innovative and effective foreign language learning program for 3 year-old plus kids. The program is based on a unique teaching technique developed by experts at Oxford University (Great Britain). It considers the psychological peculiarities of children’s development at this age and has been adapted by the leading “Reward” methodologists for children whose native language is Russian.

The program full of effective and exciting tasks for children of this age enables them to play and not only learn phonetics and communicative models easily, but also read and write in English by the first grade, step by step without even realizing they are studying.

This program’s aim is to provide your children with a balanced education: we will be teaching them to not only speak English but also develop their thinking, creative skills, memory and attention, and spark a deep interest in learning, both English and in general.

We will make sure our educational program gets your children prepared for school.

Обучение детейFor this purpose we have a variety of educational methods and techniques that include English video programs, cartoons, songs and chants, different colorful games, books and learning materials that would interest a little person. The child will experience every lesson through the medium of English, playing a very important role in the performance. We will be teaching your child to think in English and speak about the things that interest him/her and the ones he/she wants to talk about.

Our teachers are highly qualified professionals, who have successful work experience with children of this age, speaking perfect English and having had special former training in this kind of methodology.

Give your child a chance to start learning English right now, at the best age to learn, and you soon will see visible results!

Обучение детейThe next successful step after this program will be the program “English +” that, in turn, is aimed at children’s development and teaches four subjects, three of which are taught in English.

Festive events that “REWARD” organizes specially for young children prove to be a real holiday for both children and their parents.

The Centre of Early Children Development with its study of the English language “English +” is a comprehensive program of balanced development in two languages that complements the existing successful “REWARD” course “English for young children”.

Your child will take an exciting journey and discover four wonderful worlds:

  • “The world of mathematics and logic”
  • “The world of the Russian language”
  • “The world of Art”
  • “The world of music and activities”

Highly qualified professionals, who have successful work experience with children of this age and speak perfect English and fairy tails’ characters, will help our young “discoverers” to overcome any difficulties they might face on their way.

All stages of the lessons are logically connected and feature one big adventure that a child takes in a land of knowledge! In three of them we use English that is learnt by means of different activities, which is why it’s easily remembered and for a long time afterwards.

Английский клуб REWARD Английский клуб REWARD

Why study with us?!

  • Highly professional teaching staff – both domestic and native-speaking
  • Innovative educational technologies including Skype and other Internet-resourses
  • "Language Accent" - a unique teaching technique
  • Modern textbooks and learning materials from leading world publishing centres: Oxford, Cambridge, Longman and more…
  • Attractive, comfortable and fully equipped classrooms
  • Constant monitoring of the quality and results of studies
  • Various other opportunities to master a foreign language
  • The best "price-quality" ratio