Our teachers
At the "Reward" Foreign Language Center we are proud to work in a team of real professionals, who master foreign languages very well and are passionate about their work. Most of our teachers are university graduates with honors and distinctions. They have also had internships at the best Russian and foreign tutorial centers. Many of them have academic degrees or are postgraduate students studying pedagogy or linguistics.
To get a job at the “Reward” Center is difficult as employment here is very competitive. And the ones who have been chosen are proud to represent our organization. The constant quality improvement and effectiveness of the teaching is an essential condition here.
For this purpose we have developed an innovative quality and skill development monitoring system for our teachers – our Know How.
Every day our center cooperates with more and more foreign teachers - i.e. native speakers of foreign languages. All of them have higher education and a certificate in Teaching English or another foreign language to Speakers of other Languages.
This year residents of Volgograd and Volzhsky have a chance to be taught by teachers from Great Britain, the USA, Italy, Spain and Australia in an interesting and productive way. Foreign teachers work in all offices of FLC "Reward" both in Volgograd and Volzhsky.
You can take individual classes and be taught by a foreign teacher, or choose a class taught both by a Russian teacher and a native speaker in turn where both teachers are kept abreast of what material is covered by their colleague during the previous lesson.

Here is what the teachers say about their work: |
Baryshnikov Mikhail Sergeevich, teacher of English, candidate of philological sciences, leading methodologist of the central branch, deputy director of teaching and studies (Volgograd State Pedagogical University with Honours, post graduate studies, diploma of additional education "Interpreter Consultant") "Profession of a teacher is one of the most difficult in the world. It requires complete devotion, patience, openness to new ideas and constant growth. That is the reason why only a few people can master the profession, which actually is a person’s calling. FLC Reward is the centre where talented and creative people get together and transfer their knowledge of various languages and cultures to anyone who wishes."
John Harberts, USA, teacher of English
(Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, USA Associate’s degree in Arts: Business and Foreign Language Studies; TEFL Certificate)
"It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I am writing this from Russia. I have always loved to travel and I get a great enjoyment from teaching others. Now I have been lucky enough to combine two of my favorite things together in a spectacular experience that is now my job. With a previous stop in China, which lasted for over three years, as a teacher I hope to have an equally or better experience here in Russia that might last just as long or longer." |
Kristie Chapa, USA, teacher of English (University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, Bachelor’s degree in Arts: Public Relations and minor in Spanish; Palo Alto College, San Antonio, Texas, Associate’s degree in Arts: Business Administration; TEFL Certification) "I have always been interested in the Russian culture and language. Ever since I was in Iowa studying at the university and had the opportunity to get acquainted with Russian students. Now I am able to teach English and my culture to Russian students. I also had the opportunity to teach English in Spain for two years. Due to teaching in Spain, it has made me passionate to continue my dream to teach English. I also received my TEFL certificate in Russia and had an opportunity to teach at a language for four months. I hope that I can continue to teach in Russia for a longer period. I am excited to meet my students and colleagues and continue an amazing adventure."
Jorge Sandoya Cuello, Spain, teacher of Spanish and English (Master’s degree in English Studies, University of Zaragoza, Spain)
"I have always been intrigued by the history and culture of Russia, and especially, by the history of Volgograd. Therefore, I am very happy to have accomplished one of my dreams, which was to come here.
Since I am a teacher and my passion is sharing my knowledge with people from all over the world, there is no better place than Reward to keep on developing my teaching career! "
Opriatkina Anna Vladimirovna, Russia, Corporate Methodologist of Preschool Direction, Teacher of English (Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University with Honors, Specialist in Teaching English and German languages. CFK (Character for kids) Certificate of American Training Program Completion) "Soviet philologist and culture expert Sergei Averintsev said: ‘Changing the language is changing one’s thinking’. Do you want to think in a different way and discover the world of the mysterious English soul? – Come to us, to Reward! Our professionalism and your wish to study foreign languages will lead you to success." |
Wesley Schroeder, South Africa, teacher of English (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, SIT TESOL Certificate) "We live in a dynamic, globalised world where understanding and immersing yourself in different cultures is essential. One can really understand one's culture better through the power of languages. As someone who comes from a country with 11 official languages, I can see on a daily basis how English is used as a communicative bridge, and how it presents new opportunities for people, whether it be for working, travelling or even networking. I joined Reward to teach English in Volgograd for two main reasons: I am fascinated by different cultures with a particular interest in Russia. As a city with such a rich history, Volgograd is an ideal location to immerse myself in the Russian culture. I also love being able to share my knowledge of English with others so that they may also be afforded the opportunity to see what the world has to offer!" |
Semikina Elena Sergeevna, Russia, teacher of English, leading methodologist of The Centre of Early Children Development (VSPU (Volgograd State Pedagogical University) with Honurs, Diploma in further education in Translation with Honours, British Council Certificate in 2 year educational program, The Moscow City Teachers’ Training University Certificate in "N.Zaitsev's teaching techniques in reading and elementary mathematics") "Can you stop breathing or thinking or feeling? You can’t! Neither can I! I can’t stop learning or teaching or feeling grateful for a lucky chance to be with my students and colleagues in FLC “Reward”. I can’t help loving my students. Everyone is a unique world! To find an individual approach to every group and every student is not an easy way, but it is the only true way. “If the student can’t learn the way we teach, we should teach the way this student can learn” – I always try to keep this saying in mind"
Stephen Singbiel, USA, teacher of English (Michigan State University, MI)
"If I have discovered one thing while being an English teacher, then it is that learning this language will allow someone to develop professional and personal relationships that will not only last a life time, but change their life completely. I have spent my life communicating with learners of English, be it as a teacher to immigrants in the United States, or as a teacher to students in China for over four years, or as a friend to people from all over the world, and I can say with positivity that “Reward” embodies the spirit of unlimited possibilities. The teachers and methodology at this center for language instruction are truly special and will not fail to teach anybody.
Choosing to learn English is without a doubt the best decision that someone could ever make. No matter who you are, what you do, or what you dream of doing, the ability to communicate with and understand English will be the most valuable asset for you. You will realize the infinite opportunities to explore and understand the world in ways you could have never imagined before. So, come to us and begin your new life!" |
Alexandra Evgenievna Zimens, leading teacher at Dzerzhinskiy branch (Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University with Honours, Bachelor's Degree in Linguistics, Master's Degree in Teaching)
"A modern person nowadays should be able to handle ultra-trendy gadgets and drive a fast car but also communicate with people throughout the world. Those of us who can speak English, can easily understand both Chinese and Japanese people as well as all other foreigners who can speak this language. I urge you to study English, the language that I love and greatly appreciate teaching. I especially enjoy teaching pre-school students and I take great pride in seeing their improvement. My younger sister studies at 'Reward' and this is a great evidence that close people should have the best!" |
Mauro Meden, foreign languages teacher (University of Trieste – Higher School of Modern Languages for Translators and Interpreters. Bachelor’s Degree. Certificate in Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language (CEDILS).
University of Venice. Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Certificate in Teaching Spanish as a foreign language(ELE), great experience in translation and interpretation) "In Italy, the importance of foreign languages often falls under the radar and is sometimes ostracised by many people, even though there are numbers of foreign communities in Italy, not to mention the fact that near the borders the two (or more) different languages are often used on a daily basis. That is quite evident in the city I grew up, in Trieste, which is placed between Italy and Slovenia on the northern corner of the Adriatic Sea. It is pretty normal to hear people speak Italian or Slovenian there but, most frequently, the local dialect, called “Triestin”.
Being exposed to different languages since my childhood, I developed a strong interest in languages and communication in general, which brought me to studying translation at University and also to teaching. I strongly believe that teaching languages and translating both are activities that help people express themselves, but only learning a foreign language allows people to use their own words and convey the message the way they intend to. I find it a way of self-determination, which really can give an additional value to one’s life.
I am thrilled about the idea of living in Russia and, being very interested in modern history, Volgograd with its heritage is surely one of the best places I can think of. I look forward to becoming part of a new culture, while doing my best to share mine with my students and colleagues
" |
Bratchikova Eleva Aleksandrovna, Russia, teacher of English, leading methodologist of the educational trip-programs (VSPU (Volgograd State Pedagogical University) with Honours; diploma of further education in translation; Certificate of the National Russian Educational Seminar for pre-school kids (Moscow); Certificate of the National Russian Educational trip-programs Seminar (Saint-Petersburg)) "Our motto is very simple - “Coming to REWARD puts a smile on your face!” And I really enjoy teaching in REWARD because it’s a great pleasure! Why? Here is the answer: We teach kids through games, We raise spirits when teaching adults, We create projects with colleagues… Come to us and enjoy learning from us!!!" |
Suprun Vasilij Ivanovich, teacher of Czech
(Leningrad State University, Doctor of Philology, Professor. Industry awards:lapel pins "for Excellence in Work" by Ministry of Higher and Vocational Secondary Education of the USSR, "Honorary Worker of Higher Vocational Education of Russia" by Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; awards of non-governamentalorganisations: jubilee medal "a 100th Anniversary of Labour Unions of Russia", the Order of Saint Macarius, the Third Class Order of Metropolitan of Moscow by the Russian Orthodox Church; award holder of Volgograd Hero-City 2011)
"There are excellent opportunities to work and study in FLC Reward. There is no such the Czech language and culture office in Volgograd and probably in Russia like in FLC Reward. The issues connected with the new equipment and learning materials are worked out quickly. The students have an opportunity to work not only with the course books, but also with extra CD and DVD learning sources. The flexible educational programmes suit every student. Studying Czech is closely connected with learning the culture of the Czech Republic and the Czechs’ modern life.
The Czech language is one the difficult languages amongst the Slavic ones. But it has its own unique tone beauty. The treasury of the world culture is enriched by the folk and fictional texts written in Czech. Such Czech writers as Jan Neruda, BoženaNěmcová, KarelJaromírErben, KarelČapek, JaroslavHašek and other created works of genius which people are interested in around the world. The music composed by Bedřich Smetana, AntonínDvořák, LeošJanáček is played by the best world orchestras. Tourists from different countries are attracted by the beautiful architecture of Prague, Brno, Plzen, CeskyKrumlov, Karlovy Vary." |
Alex Khrichenko, teacher of English
(University of Arizona, USA) "I believe that our life is a continuous process of either learning or teaching or doing both at the same time. As a result of living and working in an academic environment for many years I hold the teaching profession in high esteem. I think we owe a great deal of our personal achievements to our teachers. In 15 years of studying and teaching in an American university I have acquired great appreciation for English as an essential tool of international communication. In my experience mastering English has literally opened a whole new world. So, I am glad to be helpful to so many serious and hardworking students here at Reward in their quest to conquer the world of English" |
Grigorieva Oksana Aleskeevna, Russia, teacher of English, leading methodologist of the Central office "Reward" (VSPU(Volgograd State Pedagogical University) with Honours, Certificate with Honours in further education “Translator-Specialist in the Sphere of Business Communication") "A lot of people dream of having a job that would be as enjoyable as a hobby. I am lucky as I do what I have always been dreaming of. Teaching is an exiting process that involves constant skill development, self-education and searching for the most effective teaching methods. Working at “Reward” gives me a chance to socialize with interesting people, share my knowledge and be happy about the success of my students"
Marshall William, teacher of English
(Bachelor of Arts in History, Hood College Frederick, Maryland, United States, 200-Hour TEFL Certification, The International TEFL Academy Frederick, MD. Certificate of Completion, Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Program to St. Petersburg University at Smolny Campus St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
"I have a bachelors degree in History, with a focus on Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia. My TEFL certification was awarded to me by ITA, the International TEFL Academy, in Chicago.
I first traveled to Russia in 2013 with the Council on International Educational Exchange to take courses in Russian language, history, and culture at Smolny, here, in Saint Petersburg. This is my favorite city on Earth, where I can pursue any of my many interests in Russian language, culture, and history. In this city, I walk in the footsteps of Pushkin, Dostoevsky and many other great figures of Russian history. The opportunity to work and live here is truly amazing.
It is impossible to overstate the importance of learning English today. Considered an international lingua franca, English is the second most-spoken language in the world, with approximately 371 million native speakers, and almost twice as many speakers of English as a foreign language. One can hear English spoken as far afield as Singapore and Belize, and despite numerous regional dialects and accents, speakers are almost always mutually intelligible. Would you like to speak with natives and other English language learners throughout the world, in almost every major city you travel to? Watch popular television programs from the U.S. and Great Britain in their native language? Or perhaps you would like a "leg up" on the competition for your dream job in IT, international business, science, mathematics, or any of the milieu of other professions which have become dependent on communication in English? Here, at REWARD, these aspirations can become real possibilities." |
Livia Ferbințeanu, Romanian, English teacher
(Graduate of BA Philosophy, KU Leuven - Magna Cum Laude)
"Being able to speak a foreign language has benefited me greatly throughout my life. Most importantly, it has enabled me to move, study and work abroad. Through this I was able to meet people from all corners of the world, engage with their different cultures and share mine with them. My best memories, experiences and friendships would have been unattainable without my knowledge of English. By teaching English at Reward I intend to help others achieve the same.
My goal is to be a part of my students' learning adventure and to actively participate in their journeys to their wished universities, dream jobs or wonderous travels.
I enjoy teaching English at every level. Whether it is showing beginners their first steps in a foreign language or helping more advanced students fully master expressing themselves in a non-native tongue, teaching English is a fulfilling and rewarding experience." |
Varlamov Aleksandr Yevgenievich, teacher of Chinese
(Changchun University, diploma in Chinese Philology; Jilin University, Master’s Degree in Chinese Philology and Methodology of Teaching Chinese; more than 10 years of successful experience in teaching Chinese. Extensive experience working as a Chinese-Russian and Russian-Chinese translator including translating for official PRC delegations in Volgograd, at the official negotiations at Volgograd Administration, international scientific symposia and conferences)
"I like working for Reward, because Reward is a stable developing company that proved its solid position in the intellectual market. Developed techniques allow me to make the process of learning the Chinese language dynamic, active, and interesting for the learners.
Confucius once said, “A person must do what he knows and perfect his skill and mastery in this field.” Reward is a team of professionals who are masters of their jobs, and their work is always aimed at excellent results!" |
Gayvoronskaya Valentina Sergeevna, Russia, methodologist of Traktorozavodskiy branch, English teacher (Volgograd State Pedagogical University, CELTA - Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) "Communicating with people has always been a great interest of mine and due to this, my job as a teacher gives me the perfect opportunity to deal and speak with many different people. Reward students continually surprise me with their interest and desire to open up the world by the means of learning foreign languages, and I help them with great pleasure!"
Khakhalev Sergey Sergeevich, Russia, teacher of German and English (VSPU (Volgograd State Pedagogical University with Honours, 1 semester at University of Kassel, Germany (specialty: "Methods of teaching German as a foreign language", "Crosscultural communication"), work experience as a translator in Germany) "Mark Twain has got a lot of humorous stories. One of them is "The Awful German Language" that will scare anyone. So hard was the German language for the author. But who knows, may be having come to our Center Mark Twain would say: “I was wrong, got too emotional”. It doesn’t matter what language you would like to learn. Don't be afraid. Come to us. Together we will do it!" |
Shaydullina Victoria Arturovna, Russia, Leading Teacher of English
(Volgograd State University, Faculty of Linguistics and Cross – Cultural Communication. Diploma of Additional Education “Interpreter in the Field of Professional Communication”)
"For me working in the Foreign Language Center Reward is, first of all, a great opportunity not only to reveal my artistic, linguistic and communicative skills, but also to share them with our students. The studying of foreign languages has helped in the realization of our students’ goals, constant self-development and communication with new and interesting people. For me “Reward” is widening the limits of abilities!" |
Jack Brooks, Welsh, Teacher of English (Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Bangor University; TEFL Certificate) "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire,” W.B. Yeats
It’s not easy to articulate how I feel about teaching, more specifically language teaching—hence the need for Yeats’ help—but I will say, with no doubt in my mind, that no other profession impacts the lives of others so directly and positively, granted that the teacher is dedicated to the cause.
I recently received an essay-long email from an ex-student whom I taught in Mexico, four years ago. She told me that she graduated from the German university we’d spent countless hours preparing her for and subsequently landed a dream job in the UK. It wasn’t the first time I’d received this sort of good news, and I’m sure it won’t be the last. That’s why I love teaching. Those few hours in the classroom can change lives.
Demchenko Tatiana Nikolaevna, Russia, teacher of English, Master of Sciences in Linguistics. (VSPU(Volgograd State Pedagogical University) with Honours, Master’s studies with Honours) "Why do I work in ‘Reward’? Because, I suppose, it's the best place for creative teachers. Lots of positive emotions, joy from my students' success is all part of my everyday work. And I love it!"
Juan Oliveira, Spain, teacher of Spanish and English (Bachelor of Arts in English Studies (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Master's Degree in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language & Teaching English as a Second Language (University of Alcalá)
) "Hola! I have a passion for teaching and learning new languages, which has given me the opportunity to getting to know different countries and people from all over the world! To me, there is no greater joy than sharing with the students my language and culture and see how they improve until they become fluent. I am sure that if you give it a try, you will learn and enjoy both the Spanish and English languages in a dynamic and interesting way!"
Grinevich Olga Romanovna, teacher of German and English, methodologist in Volzhsky
(Volgograd State Pedagogical University with Honours)
"Every day at “Reward” brings me unforgettable moments from encountering interesting people. I like observing the progress of my students and sharing their joy of speaking a foreign language. I’m glad to work with creative people from different countries of the world, exchange educational experience and cultural backgrounds with them!" |
Finlay Topley, Scotland teacher of English (Master of Arts in History (University of Aberdeen). TEFL Certificate) "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world” Ludwig Wittgenstein
The importance of the English language cannot be underestimated. No longer does it just open doors in countries such as the UK and the USA, but most countries around the world. Having studied in Denmark and travelled round Western Europe, I have seen how important the language is in communicating. With the growing world of online and social media, the English language provides greater access to resources, as well as opening so many more doors in personal development. Here at Reward we hope to take you on the journey of making your world bigger" |
Ronnie Ostrower, Canada, English teacher (Mount Royal University. Calgary, Canada. TKT certificate. Cambridge University Professional Practice for the English Language. The British Council)
"I've always been interested in the Russian language and culture. Being able to live here and teach English to Russian students couldn't be any better. Luckily, Reward gave me the possibility of joining two of my passions, teaching and Russia."
Samokrutov Max, Russia, leading teacher of English and German
(Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, the Institute of Translation and Multilingualism. Diploma of Linguist-Interpreter)
"FLC “Reward” has become my second home and the staff of the company has become my second family. While working here I always feel involvement and support from the colleagues.
The working process of a teacher of our company is an unstoppable creative process that offers a vast number of ways for self-actualization and self-development.
To be a teacher means for me to be a mentor, a teacher, a friend, a psychologist. It means also to know how to motivate and inspire your students and to find the best approach to everyone, regardless of their age and the level of foreign language!" |